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About Us

Changing the Game

InspireUNI was founded early in 2015. Formerly a graphic design freelancer, it was revamped in August of 2017 into a full fledged tech startup.
Our CEO, Prerana Kiran, is currently a senior at Mission San Jose High School who is fascinated with computers and artificial intelligence. Currently, she is an intern at UC Berkeley's HART Lab where she works with sensors in AI research. She is co-captain of Transformerz, her all girls robotics team, and also the VP of her school's 3D printing club. When she isn't coding, she can be found tinkering, animating art, dancing, or binge-reading her favorite series. She is also passionate about 3D printing, enjoys playing golf, and is a bit of a nerd. She hopes to one day bring coding to new platforms where it can be used in projects like rescue drones that directly aid people. One of her goals in life is to make a difference in society by fighting for equality for women and to encourage girls to explore fields like computer science, which were traditionally thought to be "male pursuits." She hopes to do so with her startup, Inspire UNI, which aims to create technology and hold events for social change. She is very excited to be a world coding leader on the xxCoders platform so that she can share her journey of learning programming. Prerana hopes to major in computer science engineering in college.

About: About Us
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